Cybersécurité : comment se protéger des attaques informatiques ?

La cybersécurité est un enjeu majeur pour les individus, les entreprises et les institutions publiques. En effet, les cyberattaques se multiplient et visent à voler, endommager ou perturber des données, des systèmes ou des services informatiques. Selon Statistique Canada, le nombre d’incidents de cybersécurité au …

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La cybersécurité, qu’est-ce que c’est et pourquoi est-ce important ?

La cybersécurité est la pratique qui consiste à protéger les systèmes critiques et les informations sensibles contre les attaques numériques. Également appelées sécurité des technologies de l’information (IT), les mesures de cybersécurité visent à lutter contre les menaces qui pèsent sur les systèmes et les …

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Intro Linux Commands for DNS

DIG is used to query information about various DNS records, including host addresses, mail exchganges, and name servers, eg. «dig». Install dig on Linux (Optional) Most modern Linux systems include the dig command. Verify that it’s installed by checking the software version. To do …

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How to Check MySQL Database Size in Linux

Tutorial MySQL – Check the size of all Databases First, access the MySQL command-line (replace «root» by your mysql username) : Run this command to check the size of all the mySQL Database Size in MB : Here is the command outpout : In our …

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Personal Privacy and Security Tips

As a professionnal system administrator, I have the highest level of access possible. Because I have this level of access someone could try to hack me or might threaten me to get some information I have access to. I don’t want to discuss my threat …

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What’s the best Linux distro for you?

First, let’s clarify something: Linux is not an operating system! Linux is a kernel, to get an operating system, you need to choose a distrubution which will pack Linux as the kernel. There’s also other Unix-like operating systems which will pack BSD as the kernel …

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How to Delete Certbot Certificate by Domain Name (Let’s Encrypt)

First, list your certificates by running this command : Here’s an immediate way to delete a Certbot certificate by including the domain name in the command like this: To avoid problems, you should also delete the Apache configuration associated with this certificate, here’s an exemple …

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